Aristotle Research Paper

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Influenced by outside sources, Aristotle made way into the philosophical world as arguably the most well known Greek philosopher to date. Contributing from metaphysical to the biological aspects in life still today. Though 2/3 of his works are lost many ideas still shape the modern world today. Many of Aristotle’s ideas are still used in today’s world along but are often obscured by the modernity of today’s teachings. Aristotle’s teachings Aristotle was born in the year 384 BCE at Stagitaria in Greece. His father, Nichomachus, was a well known physician within the king’s court ("Aristotle | Biography - Greek Philosopher”). Between his two parents, his family was wealthy and seemed to have a good life set forth for Aristotle. Both…show more content…
Most off the mere third that modern society has access to are nothing but remnants. Aristotle had a way with his works by prominently dividing them into three parts ("Aristotle"). During Aristotle’s Lyceum period, he “divided the sciences into three kinds: productive, practical, and theoretical”. Productive sciences as classified by Aristotle were those of ship-building, agriculture, and music. This science particularly appeases to one of the five senses, whether it be sight, touch, or sound ("Aristotle | Biography - Greek Philosopher”). Practical science included politics and ethics. It has also been said that it included rhetoric as well. Aristotle’s practical science death with action and conduct. Theoretical science was that of Aristotle’s first philosophy or metaphysics. This included Zeno’s paradoxes of motion, biology, and botany (Shields). Aristotle also believed that the existence of all things had four causes. The four causes were classified as: material, formal, efficient and final. Material cause was what makes up an item or thing. Formal cause was what held thing item or thing together from the inside out. Efficient cause was who or what was…show more content…
His contributions were based on the system of Empedocles, though instead of having four elements like Empedocles, Aristotle had five. The four main elements (fire, air, water, earth), as well as Quintessence. Quintessence did not exist on earth, it was known as the ‘first element’. The ‘first element’ only existed within the heavens and rained pure (“Aristotle”). Aristotle’s influence in the biological world can still be seen in todays modern world. As previously mentioned, Aristotle was the first to create a classification system that influenced the one that is still in use today. He also discovered that dolphins were not fish as well as that they had lungs and had to surface to receive air and that they fed their young milk. Having both his father and uncle as physicians more than likely influenced him to contribute to the biological world. Over the years of the Greek Philosophers, others were often influenced by Aristotle such as Galen. Aristotle also influenced modern psychology in ways that are often forgotten. His inductive and deductive logic are used in reasoning for modern psychology. Another aspect of psychology which is often forgotten was made definable by Aristotle was that of the imagination. It is said that Aristotle’s view of imagination was “sort of a by-product of sensation” (Ross, 147). Though this is nothing new to the modern

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