Arguments Against Gentrification

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Change is good, right? In most cases this statement holds some truth. Change is a constant in modern society. In many neighborhoods today we are seeing the switch from distinctive and quaint communities to conformed, neutral-toned apartment complexes, mom-and-pop shops have been replaced by major chain retailers . These modifications are the result of gentrification and come at a price. Gentrification is the buying and renewal of houses and stores in neighborhoods by upper class families, resulting in improved property values but often displacing middle and low-income families and small businesses. In context, this sounds like a great opportunity to spruce up a neighborhood and make room for the middle class, but in reality a double-edged sword is hidden under the gilded folds of the new and “prosperous” corporately funded town. Gentrification has been a conflict between socio-economic classes throughout many cities…show more content…
Upgrades to neighborhoods make it more appealing to future homeowners. When the neighborhood is more attractive, property values rise thus increasing the property taxes paid. Extra money generated from collected property taxes can then be used toward remodeling schools, libraries, and the support of other public services. Gentrification also ensures better subsidized housing for a limited number of low income families. In addition to boosting housing and public services, gentrification attracts the attention of large corporations ready to invest in the uprising city. Rejuvenation to the city will attract food chains and department stores. Big corporation setting up shop will in turn bring jobs to the neighborhood. With gentrifications, older buildings are rehabilitated, new construction occurs, and even more jobs are created, which has the effect of improving happiness and a sense of well-being in the

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