Arguments Against Dna Databanks

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A DNA databank is a database is used to analyze genetic diseases, genetic fingerprinting or genetic genealogy. DNA databanks can be private or public; most of them are national, which causes a controversy. Not everyone wants his or her DNA profile national or available to the public. The United States should establish DNA databanks for every citizen. There are positive thing about DNA databanks. DNA databanks can help link offenders to crimes, which is known as a cold hit. I think DNA databanks are more important for the use of investigators, forensic scientist or the FBI during crimes. It can help match DNA found at crime scenes. If a citizen is found dead the forensic scientist can take a sample of DNA to the DNA databank and easily identify that individual instead of waiting for family to identify them or trying to piece together things to form an idea of who the person could be. It would help solve many unsolved criminal cases. Although there are positive things to DNA databanks there are negatives. Since DNA databanks are…show more content…
I can say that a lot of individuals will support the idea of DNA databanks if safeguards were there to prevent the stealing of identities and other personal information. DNA databanks will help free individuals who have been wrongfully convicted of a crime or incarcerated for a crime someone thought they did. Once a new DNA profile is added to the system their DNA is compared to every crime that is in the system, which is called speculative, searching. I think that will help solve a bunch of unsolved crimes in the United States and it could bring a lot of families justice or peace who have lost a family member or loved one to violence or a crime. I think DNA databanks are good and useful for crime purposes. If I had to have my DNA entered into I DNA database I would allow them to do it but I wouldn’t volunteer to have my information put into the

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