Anxiety And Eating Disorders

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About 50% of teens with eating disorders have depression or anxiety, and people with bulimia make up most of this percentage (Eating Disorders, Anxiety). Most mental illnesses, especially depression, go untreated due to the lack of knowledge of the fact that there is a cure for most disorders. One of the biggest reasons these illnesses go untreated is parents not noticing the simple changes in their kids behaviors showing symptoms. Not only will a child try to hide it from you, but they will also deny it when you ask them due to the fact that they are ashamed of themselves. The importance of teen depression and eating disorders is not stressed enough which needs to change because studies show depression is more commonly found in teens who have…show more content…
The purging type regularly engages in self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medicines that increase the clearing of the intestines (Eating Disorders, Anxiety). Bulimia can be both easy and hard to see in a person depending on the type of behaviors someone takes on. Common behavioral signs your might see in someone with bulimia are; overeating, eating very quickly, avoiding social situations that involve food, going to the bathroom after a meal, and over exercising (Eating disorders, Anxiety). Physical signs include; weight loss, changes in menstrual patterns, fainting, or swelling around the cheeks or jaw, calluses on knuckles, or damage to teeth caused by vomiting (Eating disorders, Anxiety). Usually emotional and psychological symptoms aren’t visible in a person but examples of these include; thinking and talking about body image, body weight, and food, feeling depressed or anxious, and having difficulty concentrating. (Eating disorders, Anxiety). Depression is defined as a mood disorder that causes persistent feeling of the loss of hope. Studies say depression affects more Americans…show more content…
Which is not necessarily a bad thing until we’re too caught up in our own lives to notice what is really important in someone else’s. As stated earlier, people with mental illnesses don't typically seek help or tell anyone about their problems because they’re embarrassed. With that being said, if someone who needs help has no one to look out for them or notice when something is wrong or different about them, they will most likely go untreated. When someone has a cold it is usually easier to tell that they are sick and they are more likely to tell you that they don’t feel right, because having a cold is so common and because it’s something that happens to everyone, it’s nothing to feel ashamed about. On the other hand a mental illness is kind of like having cancer, hard to diagnose and something that will make you feel disgusted of yourself. People with Bulimia may not even notice that they have it until they go see a doctor or someone else notices it in them. If someone has a habit of not eating all day then eating all at once and working out afterwards because they feel “fat”, this could seem normal to them. Some people tend to feel gross after they eat or guilty because they ate too much when the reason they at that much in the first place is because their body is so hungry from not getting any food all

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