Antonio Lucio Vivaldi Research Paper

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Dilpreet Sidhu Grant Parker MUFHL 310 16 December 2014 Antonio Vivaldi: The (Magnificent) Red Priest The (Magnificent) Red Priest, Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, was born on the fourth of March in the year 1678 and lived to be sixty three years old, passing away on the twenty eighth of July in the year of 1741. Vivaldi was of Italian descent and was also a Baroque composer, a teacher, a cleric, and extremely skilled with the works of a violin. He was born in Venice, Italy and even today is considered one of the greatest, and most influential artists within the Baroque era. Extremely successful within his field, his influential teachings were widespread across the continent of Europe. Primarily his fame arises from his instrumental works of concertos…show more content…
His baptization at such an early age led many around him to believe that he was in some sort of a perilous situation. Even though the facts aren’t clear even today, it is believed that he was baptized so early either because of his health not being up to par at the time of birth or because of the rather unfortunate earthquake that occurred later that same day. Due to the trauma that was caused by the earthquake, it is said today that Vivaldi’s mother could have possibly dedicated his life to the priesthood in order to cope. After the preliminary at home baptization of Vivaldi, two months later he had his official in church ceremony. (77, Heller) According to the San Giovanni, some sort of registration institution, Vivaldi was son to Giovanni Battista Vivaldi and Camilla Calicchio and was one of five siblings. Vivaldi’s father, Giovanni initially began his career as a barber but eventually worked his way up to a professional violin player, and he himself taught Vivaldi how to play it, and then also went on tour with his son, playing side by side. Although it is not clear when exactly Vivaldi learned how to play, it is assumed that it was at a very young age because of all that he had accomplished at a young age of twenty four, which is when he first was employed at the orphanage. Antonio Vivaldi’s father founded an association by the name of…show more content…
Antonio Vivaldi. Oxford: Moonlight, 2002. Print. Heller, Karl. Antonio Vivaldi: The Red Priest of Venice. Portland, OR: Amadeus, 1997. Print. Karl Heller. Antonio Vivaldi. Leipzig: Reclam-Verlag, 1991. Print. Kolneder, Walter. Antonio Vivaldi; His Life and Work. Berkeley: U of California, 1970. Print. Strohm, Reinhard. The Operas of Antonio Vivaldi. Firenze: L.S. Olschki, 2008. Print. Talbot, Michael. Vivaldi. London: Dent, 1978. Print.

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