Animal Testing Ethics

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After the development of a new drug, it must be tested and approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for sale in the United States by means of pharmaceutical drug testing, or clinical trials. The Encylopædia Britannica states that “A clinical trial is the formal testing of a specific treatment or other health-related intervention to determine its role in the standard care of individuals with a corresponding medical condition.” Clinical trials are dictated by a specific protocol: a pre-clinical phase followed by a four phase clinical process. I personally believe that this form of drug testing is ethical because its lengthy process strives to provide a safe environment for the testing of a new medication. The pre-clinal trial begins with testing the substance on animals for toxicity. While some regard animal testing as unethical, I believe this is an ethical process because animal testing is done with good intention — to test for toxicity that could prove to be lethal for human consumption. Next, the Investigational New Drug (IND) application must be filed with the FDA by the sponsor. The IND discloses the drug’s composition and develops a plan for…show more content…
This will determine its safety, safe dosage range, and side effects. Phase II places emphasis on the effectiveness of the drug and is tested on hundreds of participants. During Phase III, thousands of participants receive the drug to study its effectiveness and safety, relationship between different populations and different dosages, and interactions with other medications. An independent data-safety-monitoring committee ensures the safety of all participants by analyzing the outcomes of the trial and the side effects on their medical condition. Once the drug is released on the market, the fourth and final Phase consists of studies concerning the long term effects on differing
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