Animal Farm Rhetorical Analysis

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A novel which has a satisfactory ending is "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. The novel is an allegory of the Russian Revolution, which happened in Russia in 1917. The book is about animals on a farm in England, rebelling against the owner of their farm, and the problems that they face in the aftermath of it. The main concerns of the text include....., and Orwell brings these to a satisfactory conclusion by using techniques such as repetition, contrast and allegorical details. The main event which heralds the end of the novel, and for the reader, epitomises the selfish nature of Napoleon's dictatorship is Boxer's death. Squealer is telling all of the animals that Boxer had been looked after so well, and they are so relieved to hear that their…show more content…
This makes us feel sympathetic as we know how happy that animals would be to hear this- thing it is allies. Therefore, Boxer's death is a good example of the sheer selfishness of the pigs, as they use the gullibility of the animals to their own advantage. Orwell makes the ending satisfactory by keeping the characterisation of Benjamin consistent right to the end of the novel. His penultimate speech in the book is to reiterate the cynical view he has had throughout the novel, about the impossibility of life ever improving. Benjamin is the only animal on the farm who remembers what it was like before the rebellion. He is comparing the past with the present, and saying that no matter what happens, their lives will still be miserable. "hunger, hardship and disappointment being, so he said, [are] the unalterable law of life." Orwell uses a list to emphasis how hard the animals' lives are. He also uses the word "law" to make it seem as if the horrible things that the animals go through cannot be changed. The ending is satisfactory because throughout the whole novel, Benjamin stayed pessimistic and cynical, and once Boxer died, he returned to his usual

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