Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)

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Animals assisted therapy (AAT)- a type of therapy that involves animals as a form of treatment. The goal, like all other forms of therapy, is to improve each patient's social, emotional, or cognitive functioning. Research conducted by the IAN community shows that 83% of all patients that have used Animal assisted therapy improved from their original state. A wide variety of animals can be used to achieve the common goal. A few common animals are dogs, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, and dolphins. Animals provide humans with a sense of companionship, which is why this type of therapy is so successful. So successful hospitals, nursing homes, army bases, even schools and universities have invited animals into their facilities to interact with the…show more content…
Some common types of behavioral disorders are autism, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and many more. Animals have a huge impact on the outcome of each therapy session they are apart of. In recent decades, there have been countless such stories of animals helping to improve and even preserve the lives of children and adults with all manner of diseases and disabilities. Trained dogs are being used to help keep children with autism safe and to break the “freeze” that can afflict people with Parkinson’s disease when they try to walk (Brody). Animal assisted therapy is not limited to treating one type of disorder or disability, it covers a wide range of things that society has never once thought about. This type of therapy also plays a big role in the youth community. Animals teach young adults the importance of responsibility as well as skills that can be used in everyday life according to previous research “The program targets a variety of behavioral issues, and teaches youths how to make better decisions, recognize behavioral patterns and heal.“Kids take the activities they do with the horses, and their life story unfolds,” says Feldman, equine director at the Range. After leaving therapy children exhibit better everyday habits, thanks to each therapy…show more content…
For hundreds of years, people have recognized the healing qualities of horses. Here, on the grounds of the U.S. Air Force Academy, equine specialists have taken those healing qualities to a whole new level with the equine assisted learning experience (Warrior Wellness Equine Assistance Important Part of Healing Process). Local farmers from the southern Colorado area, allowed the Warrior Wellness program to use their horses in their program. Soldiers come out and are able to interact with the horses. The goal of this program is for soldiers to cope with their mental and physical injuries, mainly those that are combat related. But the program is open to members from different branches. For most of the guests, the horseback riding activity is usually the highlight of the program. The ride is typically done at the end of the program as a recap, but the placement of the ride is subject to change with each service member. "I can tell you firsthand, these people save lives," said an Airman who participated in the program and asked to remain anonymous. " I know that sounds melodramatic, but make no mistake, Mr. Barrett and his team save Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen from taking their own lives, and they allow military families an amazing venue to start healing together--no doubt, no drama, no embellishment.". Returning to civilian life can be a difficult

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