Andrew Jackson Dbq

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The chronicle of the “self made man” is one often heard throughout United States history. From inventors to actors to political leaders, the tale of the person who came from “nothing” and became “something”, is one frequently told. Perhaps one of the greatest stories of the “self made man” is that of Andrew Jackson, who climbed from a position of poverty to the presidency. This triumphant story, however, is one ultimately overshadowed by poor decisions he made while in office. Arguably Jackson's worst decision was his killing of the Second Bank of the United States. Andrew Jackson's imprint upon United States history is ultimately a negative one because his decision to veto the national bank renewal charter left a lasting negative economic…show more content…
Replacing it, the Age of Jackson begins, and it will last through the following decades. Jackson's presidency can ultimately be reduced to three C's: connections, combat, and contradiction. The first of the three, connections, refers to Jackson's spoils system, where he gave political positions to political allies and friends, rather than those best qualified for the positions. In the eyes of some the system is a form of corrupt politics, and it will ultimately have negative side effects after the Bank War. Combat, though not legitimate troops on the ground, refers to Jackson's many crusades on various peoples and institutions. The first of these crusades is in 1830, when Jackson passes the Indian Removal Acts which allow him to exchange Native American lands for those west of the Mississippi. Along with these acts comes the first of Jackson's contradictions. In the instance of Indian Removal, Jackson promoted expansion of democracy through territorial expansion. However, this expansion of freedom could only occur through the oppression of others. Excluding the Bank War, Jackson's other contradictory crusade is upon southern state governments during the Nullification crisis. When southern states determined they could declare national law null and void and ignore it, Jackson quickly gained permission to use military force to enforce national laws. It is here where Jackson contradicts himself again. Jackson had once promised a limited government, however, unlike many who limited the government by returning power to states, Jackson shifted more power to himself, and tries to control the states. He weakens the government by transferring and extending the powers of the executive. Jackson's worst failure, and reason for his negative significance in the grand scheme of United States history, will come
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