Analysis Of Shirin Neshat's Rebellious Silence

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Rebellious Silence The Islamic Revolution of 1979 sparked a change in the Islamic culture. Mohammad Reza Sheh, king of Iran from 941 until 1979, was overthrown when he tried to use Savak, secret policy, to control the country. Mohammad Reza Sheh was in much opposition and who was in charge of the opposition? Ayatollah Khomeini lead the opposition mostly from exile by smuggling music cassettes that contained messages into Iran. During the Islamic Revolution Mohammad Reza Sheh changed women’s lives by banning the hijab. The hijab was a piece of cloth the size of a scarf that covered a woman's head and chest. The hijab was worn by women that were past the age of puberty. In rebellion, women wore what was known as a chador. The chador was a longer…show more content…
Many women were activist. They stood out and protested causing some women to be imprisoned, beaten, and even forced out of their homeland. Heavy bails and threats of going back into prison forced women into silence. In the picture, Rebellious Silence, painted by Shirin Neshat in 1994, it depicts just that. If you look at the picture you may look at it and notice her ethnicity, the words on her face, or the object between her ears, but there’s more to the picture than what is simply in the picture. If you look at the picture from a frontal view you can see the woman is wearing a chador which was worn during this time period to show the rebellion against Mohammad Reza Sheh and the banning of the hijab. The chador was also worn by women during this time to show equality among the different social classes.If you keep looking across the woman’s face are words written in Farsi, the Persian language. Although we can not read what is written on the woman’s face we can assume that these are either the rights that the women had taken away from them during the Iranian Revolution or the new laws being set into place. Now that you have figured out that the woman is Israeli and the language across her face the only thing left to identify is the

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