Analysis Of Paru Kutti's 'Redstockings Manifesto'

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The neglected house and its frightening silence are objective correlatives which powerfully bring out the painful sufferings of the women inside. Such images as “the splintering of silence” (TBM 25), “a creaking of the old wood as if it were in pain” (TBM 25), “the fridge hummed like a giant beast slumbering, breathing heavily” (TBM 41) and “the house raised its hooded eyelids and peered at him” (TBM 49) as well as the immobile, silent picture of Balammavan, Ammumma and his three Cheriyammas are highly suggestive and bring out the sufferings of the women trapped inside. The cruelty of the man and the suffering of the women merge with the image of the house. The 1970 “Redstockings Manifesto” declared: Women are an oppressed class. We identify…show more content…
Achuthan Nair considers himself to be a man of the world and restricts Paru Kutty’s contact with her kith and kin. The loss or denial of warmth and affection of her kith and kin seriously affects her well-being. Achuthan Nair who left his wife for another woman is a symbol of patriarchal power. Paru Kuttywas too frightened to question his authority including his illicit relationship. The inconsiderate Achuthan Nair is unable to understand the vulnerability of a pregnant woman and considers her an encumbrance when she fails to accompany him to Burma. Paru Kutty stands for the earlier generation of women who suffered everything in silence. All women in the household including his “commiserating aunts” (TBM 49) were afraid of Achuthan Nair. Paru Kutty shows the last remnants of courage when Achuthan Nair announces his decision to bring Ammini, his concubine, to their house. She overcomes her cowardice and vehemently protests. She declares, “I am willing to live with the shame of your taking a mistress. But I am not going to let you flaunt how little I mean to you. I am your wife and I insist you treat me with the respect due to me” (TBM 74). She declares that he will be able to bring his concubine only over her dead body. She says, “For as long as I’m alive, I will decide who lives in this house and who doesn’t” (TBM 74). Achuthan Nair is shocked by…show more content…
In Kaikurassi, he is respected by everybody and nobody questioned him. His attitude was: “Here is a man who has seen the world. Here is a man who is to be respected. Here is a man whose authority is not to be questioned. The wooden clogs seemed to echo these declarations with every step” (TBM 70). Even Krishnan Nair is nervous and stammers when he speaks to Achuthan Nair. Feudal mentality reigns supreme in him and he is a master of oppression. His philosophy of life violates the moral and ethical codes of family relationships. This is clear from his advice to his

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