Black Hair, Still Tangled In Politics Summary

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“Why can’t hair just be hair? Is a fashionista who replicates the first lady’s clean-cut bob really being untrue to herself? And why is a hairstyle a “political or social statement” primarily among African Americans?” asks Saint Louis (2009). Society has created this image that silky, straight, “good hair” is the only way to be considered beautiful. I decided to do my outside reading on an article titled Black Hair, Still Tangled in Politics by Catherine Saint Louis. The overall meaning of this article was to show that African Americans are already victims of social exclusion, but now they have to worry about “appropriate grooming practices” when it comes to their natural hair. It also talks about how companies like Tresseme disregard the African American woman in ads, the amount of money African American women spend on hair extensions, and how society has…show more content…
In the article it says, “getting “good hair” often means transforming ones tightly coiled roots; but it is also more freighted, for many African American women and some men, than simply a choice about grooming. Straightening hair has been perceived as a way to be more acceptable to certain relatives, as well as to the white establishment”. My question is who coined the phrase “good Hair”? On an average 500+ commercials play a day about hair, and hair care products. Most of them are targeted to white women. Products like Garnier Fructose and Tresseme vividly exclude women of color from their ads. Long straight hair has become so normalized that its connection to whiteness and white power has become superficial. These ads have become weak, simply because we reside in a white supremacist state, and therefore: anything that celebrates whiteness is seen as good. Crossing out African Americans, especially African American women, is meant to send a very specific message about which people are considered

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