Analysis Of John Durham Peters The Quest For Authentic Communication

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In Chapters Four and Five, "Phantasms of the Living, Dialogues with the Dead" and "The Quest for Authentic Communication," author John Durham Peters explains about 19 centuries new communication inventions and new ways of distance communication. He explains how radio, telegraph or mail helps communication between people to be more intense. He says that in nineteen century “photograph overcame time and the telegraph overcame space” (pg138) and later explains that “media of transmission allows crosscuts through space, but recording media allows jump cuts through time” (pg 144). Peters also claims that “the new media of the nineteen century gave new life to the older dream of angelic contact by claiming to burst the bonds of distance and death” (pg 142).…show more content…
He talks about hermeneutics and need of interpretative and the gap between sending and receiving. Peters claims hermeneutics as communication with dead. The modern way of communication that needs interpretative will be more complicated than just a dialogic. Peters also talks about Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ideas about communication, phonograph and its connection with distorted dialog, Dead Letter Office, and how “it deal with the materiality of communication and not its supposed spirituality” (pg 169). As Peters says in the last paragraph of chapter four, all of these examples and arguments in this chapter was trying to explain about the beginning of the recording and how it affected communication, how photographs and letters and recorded voices were similar to having a communication with a

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