External World Skepticism Summary

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Introduction: In the article “External World Skepticism” by John Greco, he mentions a variety of ideas about skeptical arguments. John Greco doesn’t accept the concept of contextualism, but rather he accepts the sensitivity theory instead. In this paper, I shall argue that the term of contextualsim regarding Descartes example is in fact true. Descartes has a clear example that it does support that I am a handless brain in a vat. It all depends on how you are looking at the information that was given. In this paper I will summary the ideas that Descartes has on solving this quarrel and also the evil demon example. Then I will move on to critique Greco’s idea that Descartes points don’t go with the example that he provided. Summary: In the…show more content…
The sensitivity theories states that difference between true belief and knowledge is when you know, that your belief is counterfactually dependent on what you might belief. So in the case that I don’t know that I am a brain in a vat means that, you won’t know if you are a brain in a vat. It would all depend on what you believe, if you believe you are then it’s true. Now, I would say that Descartes example would help solve the situation of the brain in the vat. Even though the point of the skeptical hypothesis is not to point our belief is false, but rather to show that it might be false. Descartes evil demon example is show that how can we know what we know if they made us think differently than we thought to be…show more content…
Greco rules out a possibility that “a body of evidence E rules out a possibility q if and only if E supports not-q in a non-circular way”(Greco 641). Since I don’t know that I am not a brain in a vat, then that would mean that I can also rule out that I have two hands. Since the evil demon, has me under their influence I don’t know the information that I would normally know to be true, because they are making me second guess everything. And that’s what contextualism essentially does, is that it effects without denying the plausible closure principle. We neither know about the world to be true nor the scenarios to be false. No one knows that I am not a brain in a vat is a true claim in the context that are made from. And that’s what Descartes is trying to

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