An Analysis Of Sonya Sotomayor's 'There Are No Children Here'

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How do individuals overcome struggle? Andrew Bernstein states that, “Nothing is given to man on earth – struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible – the hero is the man who lets no obstacles prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen”. Life is filled with struggles and it is the way people deal with it allows them to move forward or hold them back. Whether one’s struggles are due to poverty as in Alex Kotlowitz’s ”There Are no Children Here”; out of neglect as in Sonya Sotomayor's "My Beloved World”; out of an extreme fear of being touched as in Jacob Dasheck’s film,” Duck”; or because of disease as in the 60 minutes report by Lara Logan’s, “The Ebola Hot Zone” struggles show the strength and the pride of the…show more content…
When faced with the issue of poverty, Lajoe shows that occasionally you need to depend on others in order to overcome a struggle that is threatening your situation. If Rochelle wasn’t there to help Lajoe, her situation would definitely deteriorate with serious consequences for her and her family. In the book “My Beloved World” by Sonya Sotomayor, she recalls that, “The only exception to this rule is my cousin Alfred. […].we counted on him a lot in part because my father avoided driving a lot….” When faced with neglect from both her parents, Sonya’s Cousin Alfred acts like a second father to her and carries out most of the tasks that her parents could not do for her. If Alfred didn’t step up and helped the family out, Sonya would soon end up feeling more neglected. Nevertheless, seeking help is definitely is a good way to solve a problem, but occasionally going to someone for help isn't enough so one may decide to seek new opportunities in order to overcome the

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