Amy Tan A Pair Of Tickets Summary

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As you read the short passage, "A Pair of Tickets," written by Amy Tan, you gradually get an understanding that the setting within China, for the majority of the story actually, leaves a tremendous influence on what occurs internally as well as externally to the narrator, Jing-Mei. Starting off with the protagonist entering Shenzhen, China, Jing-Mei explains how she feels “different”, that her cultural identity is changing. Jing-Mei then explain how she recalls herself being fifteen, denying how she is not Chinese with her mother. “Cannot be helped,” my mother said when I was fifteen and had vigorously denied that I had any Chinese whatsoever below my skin...and my Caucasian friends agreed: I was about as Chinese as they were” (PAR.2) She explains that she had always believed that underneath her outwards exterior, she was not Chinese, not even if both her parents are Chinese immigrants.…show more content…
Her father begins grows nostalgic and Jing-Mei experiences a similar response, even though she had never visited China before. “For the first time I can ever remember, my father has tears in his eyes, and all he is seeing out the train window is a sectioned field of yellow, green, and brown, a narrow canal flanking the tracks, low rising hills...on this early October morning. And I can't help myself. I also have misty eyes, as if I had seen this a long, long time ago, and had almost forgotten.” (PAR.6) As her mother had explained beforehand, there is a part of her that is Chinese which has nothing to do with her external looks, but is tied to who she is

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