Barn Burning By William Faulkner: Literary Analysis

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The setting of the story "Barn Burning" was launched from an unknown place in the United States. Later it is held in another place which was the family going to live in an "unpainted two room houses" and thier landlord's spacious house which author contrast thier house with the landlord. In addition, "later, twenty years later, he was to tell himself, if I said they wanted only truth, justice, he would have hit me again."(482). This point shows setting because after twenty years. The boy will still continue his practice of truth. Also, Late spring night, which was the day that tragety happened. In the story "Barn Burning" William Faulkner mentions a ten years old hungry boy the protagonist named Sarty Snopes. He was expected to be very scared of his father the antigonist…show more content…
Snopes mistake. They punish his family leaves the country and does not come back. Later, all members of the family: his mother, aunt, and two sisters were getting on the wagon and then set off thier journey to another place. That night, the family camps. After Sarty falls asleep, Mr Snope wakes him up and tells Sarty to follow him. His father blames for him of being revealed him in court. He beat Sarty and tells him that the most important thing was to stand by your family. The next day they arrive at their new home, a shack on the farm where they will be operating as farmers. Mr Snope wants to talk to the land owner and he takes Sarty with him. When Sarty saw the landlord's luxurious house, he feels like everything just might be okay after all. Also, he thought, his father could not hurt those who are enclosed in a house like that. Later that day, the landlord Mr. Spain, dropped off his mat at Mr. Snope's hut. Mr. Snope sets his two daughters to wash it, and then dries it. Early the next morning, Mr. Snope wakes Sarty and the two of them went to revenge. However, Mr Spain shows up shortly after, insulting Mr. Snope. He told Mr.Snope that he was going to charge him twenty

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