American Superheroes

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Two of the most popular superheroes in the movies, television and comic books are Iron Man and Daredevil. Unlike other superheroes, such as Superman, Thor or Professor X; Iron Man and Daredevil were neither born with a superpower nor inherited god-like abilities from an alter-ego. Both, rather, are two of the weakest, from a pure superpower perspective, deficient. To be sure, each operates carrying a significant but common weakness. Namely, Tony Stark’s bad heart and Matt Murdoch’s blindness, which are not normally encountered in the world of superheroes. Whether it was despite or because of their weaknesses, however, both developed themselves into effective superheroes that can resist the challenge of the most powerful, as well as defeat the…show more content…
Murdoch was raised by his father, a once successful boxer whose career was in decline. Although the Murdochs could not be considered poor, they were clearly not wealthy, and struggled to get by when Murdoch’s father was not able to get a fight. Understanding that this was no way to live, Murdoch’s father always insisted that his son have integrity and do well in school to give himself a chance to be something better when he got older. Murdoch worked hard to satisfy his father’s wishes. He also became active in sports and health. One day while on the way back from school, Murdoch noticed that an old man was walking in the middle of the street as a truck was approaching. The truck tried to stop, but it did not seem that it would in time: so Murdoch jumped to push the old man out of the way. Although he was successful in getting the man out of the way, the truck crashed and one of the containers on it fell and broke, spraying radioactive chemicals into Murdoch’s eyes. He was blinded. Besides blinding him, however, the radioactive materials somehow enhanced Murdoch other four senses. Accordingly, the chemicals made all the physical acts that he was good at before even better. At one point, his father was able to schedule a fight against the champion, but some mafia members told him to lose on purpose. When he did not follow their orders, they killed him. Murdoch was able to use his new enhanced skills combined with his normal research skills to find his father’s killers and have them

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