Poverty In The Life Of Nicholas Longworth's Life

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Nicholas Longworth's family background is very interesting. First, in his childhood there was poverty and customs most families followed, which forced Nicholas to work very hard (Hannickel). One example of his poverty was after the Revolutionary War, his family's property was taken away by the government. According to Christopher Levenick, writer on philanthropy, in his article Nicholas Longworth, "He learned hard work from an early age. For a while, he was apprenticed to a shoemaker; later, he was sent to clerk for a relative in South Carolina" (Levenick). On the contrary, Longworth's childhood most likely followed many customs of the 1700s. During his childhood in Newark, New Jersey, Longworth would have probably played games in his free time such as ball or "tag" when he was bored, work on the farm and go to…show more content…
Like most other families, the Longworth's most likely had to find food through farming and raising cattle (Schweikart and Allen). Throughout Longworth's adult life, he was able to turn around the poverty in his family. Even though Longworth's childhood had many difficulties, it inspired him to come to Cincinnati to start a new beginning. In this quote by Erica Hannickel, in A Fortune of Fruit: Nicholas Longworth and Grape Speculation in Antebellum Ohio, she states, "Longworth's recorded life story is a classic rags-to-riches tale of an even-keeled, immensely hard-working,…., and lucky frontier immigrant" (Hannickel). In 1803, Longworth came to Ohio from Newark, New Jersey. He was 21 years old and a lawyer. This helped him start a new beginning and become renowned. After Longworth moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, he used his practice of law to become rich. He became a lawyer with the help of Jacob Burnet, an Ohio politician, and first defended a resident that had been accused

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