American Gangster Myths

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The film, American Gangster, inform or influence public opinion on gangs by confirming one of the legendary myths that gangs, drugs, and violence are inexorably linked, which is the truth. American Gangster misinform public opinion on gangs with assumptions like the myth that law enforcement can gain control of gangs by punishing their way through it, which, honestly, is ineffective. This movie allows the public to observe the introduction of a certain gang establishment and the beginnings of their drug trade business. The movie American Gangster is relatable in the depiction of gang and gang involvement based on Frank Lucas and his life. The movie’s portrayal demonstrates myths, gang theories, parallel relations to other gangs, and common…show more content…
From the abstract “Common Characteristics of Gangs: Examining the Cultures of the New Urban Tribes,” many gangs and gang members share numerous characteristics, including: a code of conduct; selective membership; loyalty to group above all else; no respect for law, no fear of jail; involvement in crimes to make money; internal organization and structure; and use of violence to achieve ends. Frank Lucas undoubtedly represents these aspects as well as a Level V hardcore gang member. He covered the NYC streets with “Blue Magic” and let those, such as Tango and Nicky Barnes, know. For a little while before he was found out, the streets were run by him, and in that time that his drugs were striving, the streets were his turf and territory. In the end after he was released, he even proclaimed that NYC would not be what it became without him. He started his business with honor on behalf of Bumpy Johnson and commanded nothing but respect. He used his tough and aggressiveness in achieving that respect. Frank Lucas had no problem enforcing violence upon others, killing Tango for example, if there were any signs of disregard emancipating from others. In addition, being a Level V hardcore gang member, Frank Lucas was undoubtedly committed to his lifestyle. He proved this by his willingness to fly all the way to Bangkok to provide the purest drugs to others that he can distribute. Being his own boss, he rejects anyone and any value system other than his own. Frank Lucas did things according to what he desired only, for instance, the reason for not completely diluting his drugs but promising the best at a cheap price, regardless of how other distributors did so. Obviously not afraid to kill in public, he is considered hardcore by self and other gang members and authorities. Frank Lucas knew what he was doing and if he felt that somebody needed punishment, he

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