Alzheimer's Informative Speech

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Informative Speech Outline Alzheimer’s disease Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about three major aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. Central Idea: There are three major aspects of Alzheimer’s disease the effects, current treatments, and the evolution of Alzheimer’s disease. Introduction I. I will pass out popsicle sticks to the class, half with a star on, half without A. Those of you who have a star on your stick please raise your hand. B. That is how many of you will develop some form of Alzheimer’s disease. C. Linda Marsa, who wrote, “Cracking the Alzheimer's Code” in 2014, has stated that forms of Alzheimer’s disease effects 5.3 million Americans, which is one person every 67 seconds. II. I will state my Central Idea III. I am qualified…show more content…
My third main point is to explain the rapid growth of Alzheimer’s disease. Body I. I will discuss the effects and symptoms Alzheimer’s has on the brain. A. This is a picture comparing a patient with Alzheimer’s disease to a normal patient without the disease. B. Linda Marsa, also states that the disease is a breakdown of brain cells, meaning the disease only worsens over time. C. The damaged cells will not grow back. D. The Alzheimer’s Association states several symptoms of Alzheimer’s, such as memory loss, unreasonable thinking, and changes in personality, loss of speaking and writing. E. Carl Engelking, who wrote "Brain Cells With Alzheimer's Disease” in 2015, state the disease can occur throughout life, meaning any of you may already have the disease but the symptoms will not appear until much later in life. II. I will discuss the current treatment options available. A. Here is a PAT scan comparing an Alzheimer’s disease brain to a normal healthy brain. B. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. C. Davi-Ellen Chabner, who wrote “The Language of Medicine” in 2007, states it is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States D. The only disease among the top 10 causes of death in America that cannot be prevented, cured, or…show more content…
Linda Marsa also states there are medications for memory loss, treatments for behavioral and sleep changes. 1. Antidepressants for low mood and irritability. 2. Anxiety relieving medication for anxiety, restlessness, verbally disruptive behavior and resistance. 3. Antipsychotic medications for hallucinations, delusions, aggression, agitation, hostility and uncooperativeness. III. I will discuss the rapid growth of Alzheimer’s disease. A. Here shows the three stages of Alzheimer’s, normal, mild, and severe. B. Almost two-thirds of Americans with Alzheimer's are women. C. The Alzheimer’s Association has calculated that by 2025, the number of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer's disease is estimated to reach 7.1 million — a 40 percent increase from the 5.1 million D. By 2025, Alzheimer’s and other dementia will cost the nation around $1.1 Trillion. The current cost is $226 Billion. Conclusion I. I will summarize my main points again. A. My first main point is to explain the effects and symptoms Alzheimer’s has on the brain. B. My second main point is to explain the current treatment options available. C. My third main point is to explain the rapid growth of Alzheimer’s disease. II. So remember this can happen to

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