Allegory Of The Cave Essay

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Many times, human beings take life for granted. They settle down and are complacent to their current situation. They rarely seek the truth, even if what they currently see is but a phantom of the true realities of the world. In “The Allegory of the Cave,” Plato criticizes this view. He paints a picture in the form of an allegory in which people are portrayed as living in a dark cave, where they only see part of the reality. When one person breaks free from this confining state, he or she is enlightened on the truth of life. Slowly, he or she becomes accustomed to this higher state of living so that he or she wishes to help those stuck in the cave see beyond the limitations put on by their situation. Unfortunately, those not wise enough would say that the one who left “[comes back to the cave] without his eyes” (Plato 1122). These people regard their shadowy life as reality when it cannot be further from the truth. In this, Plato…show more content…
In particular, he is talking to his student Glaucon about the cave and its implications. Even so, this knowledge can be applied to other people to teach them how to live. They should always strive to know the truth, even if they are ridiculed. After all, the freed prisoner in Plato’s allegory “would rather suffer anything than entertain [the] false notions and live in [a] miserable manner,” in the cave (1122). Because of his message, Plato adopts an attitude of action. He criticizes those who are content to live their lives in the dark to support people in becoming enlightened. Since he is a teacher, he is sincere in his message. For example, he patiently asks questions like “do you not suppose that [the freed prisoner] would felicitate himself on the change, and pity [those stuck in the cave]?,” in order to facilitate discussion with Glaucon. He truly wishes that all his pupils learn from

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