Alice In Wonderland Case Study

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15 Bizarre Psychological Cases That Remain Unexplained Today we are lucky enough to live in a highly advanced world, brimming with new technology and discoveries. In terms of medicine there has never been a better time to be alive because medical breakthroughs are constantly being made. This means that doctors have an excellent understanding of the human body and are able to people, even patients with seemingly bizarre mental ailments. Until quite recently mental illness was largely misunderstood and as a result many people suffered, not only from their condition but also from a lack of understanding. While we have a better understand of these types of conditions today but don’t fool yourself, there are still many mental disorders that we…show more content…
The condition affects her sense of vision and perception, which makes it feel like her body, and objects around her are suddenly growing and shrinking. Due to the similarity between this disorder and the way that Alice perceives her world in Lewis Carroll’s famous work it has become known as Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. The condition is often associated with migraine headaches and although some doctors believe that it could be possible that Lewis Carroll himself suffered from this disorder as well which was why he was able to describe so well in his book. Lewis did suffer from migraine headaches during his life so he may have used these bizarre symptoms as a source of inspiration. 14 The Man Who Thought His Wife Was a Hat Oliver Sacks was a neurologist as well as an author. One of the works he is most remembered for is a book called The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat in which he describes the bizarre case of a man who he reffered to as Dr. P. The man suffered from a strange type of visual disorder that didn’t affect his ability to see but caused him not to be able to make sense of the objects he…show more content…
This is an actual neurological disorder called Capgras Syndrome and we are only now beginning to understand what causes this nightmarish condition. It was first described by a French psychiatrist named Joseph Capgras in 1923 who recounted the case of a woman that he called Madame M. Madame M believed that her husband, and other people that she knew had been replaced by a series of lookalike doubles. At one point she believed that at least 80 men were all pretending to be her husband. This creepy disorder occurs when the brain has difficulty identifying people and starts to believe that they have been substituted. 10 The Woman With More Than Twenty Personalities Living Inside Her Kim Noble has been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (once referred to as Multiple Personality Syndrome). While doctors are convinced that she truly suffers from this disorder her case is still baffling due to the number of different personalities that live inside Kim. In genuine cases of DID severe psychological trauma cases the personality to split into several different parts and creates barriers between

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