Afterlife Beliefs

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The credence of a higher being controlling one’s circumstances brings great hope to the world. Religion is a unifying activity; bringing people together. It brings people to a common area, like church, to worship and learn. Teaching what is to come after death is inspiring to many people. Also, the ways to deal with hardships is found. Religion, Christianity and others, brings forth hope for the afterlife, healing, and forgiveness. Due to the hope of an afterlife, people to deal with much distress. Christians are given a hope of a new beginning after death, the afterlife. The afterlife takes place in either heaven or hell. Heaven, the glorious place with streets of gold, is where the creator and savior reside. Those whose name is written in the book of life, or dedicated their lives to God and got saved, go to heaven. Moreover, the lost souls, those who lived their life according to their will and did not get saved, go to hell. Likewise, most other religions believe in a life after this life, whether it be a spirit realm or reincarnation. For example, the believers that fall under monism believe that the life after this one is another life, or reincarnation. After many reincarnations there will be an impersonal oneness. Overall, an…show more content…
Christians, for example, believe if God wills a person to be healed, it will happen. Prayer with God is how a Christian asks God to heal them. Jesus, the messiah, healed people constantly when he was on earth. The bible even states that Jesus took a beating so that the world could be healed. In addition, other religions that do not believe in a personal divine being that wants to heal them, believe that nature can heal them. If it is suppose to happen, it will happen. Also, there is a belief that good things, like healing, will happen to good people. In total, the optimism of being physically healed brings hope due to

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