After We Collided Essay

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IRP Number Four The story After We Collided is the second book of the After series. The after series had been named After to explain just how screwed up the main character’s, Tessa, life had become. She went to being this simple, goodie two shoes girl who’d do anything to please her mother: to a girl who no longer cared what others though as long as she was happy. That was all thanks to a certain strong headed, troubled boy named Hardin. Now, in this second book, After We Collided, it shows just how much the young pair’s meeting had affected their lives. For the better and for the worst. Before meeting Hardin, Tessa didn’t care for anything but pleasing her overly strict mother. Even after attending her first year of college that didn’t change. Not until having run into Hardin. A boy who didn’t care about anything but partying and getting wasted every night. Now, after many months of being together, Tessa’s personality has begun to shift. Becoming almost a…show more content…
Going from the inconsiderate bad boy who didn’t care about anyone, to a boy who finally learned to love, Hardin has definitely made a dramatic change in his life. All thanks to Tessa and her good girl ways. Before running into Tessa, Hardin was an active drinker. He would party. sleep around, and get himself wasted every night. He didn’t seem to have a care in the world. Until Tessa came into play. Now, after having Tessa around in his life, he’s began to make a change. He’s begun taking an interest in his education, and has become a lot more grounded. He’s even began to fix his long broken relationship with his father. In which before Tessa, he wouldn’t have even given a second thought. ““You’re everything to me! You’re my breathe, my pain, my heart, my life!” He takes a step toward me. What makes me the saddest is that these are the most touching words that hardin has ever said to me.”. (Todd, Anna. "Chapter 4." After We Collided. 55.

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