Abstract— Multi- rotor technology is the advanced technology for wireless drones. Here in this paper it is discussed about different types of copter with different rotors have vividly advantages and applications.They were available in single, double ,triple, quad, hex, octa, copters. Multi-copters uses brushless motors rather than any other simple dc motors. Multi-copters are most probably used nowadays for variety of its applications in communication purposes as wells as in video surveillance and
We would never have been able to storm Normandy beach during world war 2 without the support of armed pilots protecting the men on the beach. While we ended up winning the war, many good men died both on the ground and in the air. This is just the way war is, men must fight the battles in order to secure our freedoms. We must allow the ones we love to sit in the pilot seat and fly in our countries defense. Or do we? What if we could take the pilot out of the cockpit? Thanks to advances in drone technology