Advantages And Disadvantages Of Behaviour Modelling In The Workplace

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Behaviour modelling is the act of showing the standard modeled behaviour to guide the employee how to do something in the workplace. Behaviour modelling involves showing the correct response in a problematic situation. The trainee practice on some of the problem situation and the supervisor will provide the useful feedback to them (Behavior Modeling, 2017). IOI group use this training method as off-the job training for their staffs. For example, First Aid 2.0 workshop was organized at IOI Mall Puchong and IOI City Mall for two days. The objective of the workshop is to ensure employees have relevant knowledge and techniques to act and respond promptly to any emergencies and unexpected hazards that may be occurred in the workplace. By participating in this training, they are able to provide a safer and enjoyable experience to all mall customers. This…show more content…
Positive impact can help employees identifying their proper action and manner in work. After that, they will actively thrive to improve their job performance. For example, employees will show their learning at the workplace through behaviour modelling. Mentors also can demonstrate their positive behaviour modelling for employees to learn from their positive impact (Behaviour modelling, nd). Although behaviour modelling has shown success in many organization, but this training method still have its weaknesses. According to Parry and Reich (1984), they believed that the behaviour modelling is not a sufficient theory for the trainees to understand the concepts and principles. Other than that, trainees may meet difficulty to have enough attraction to this training method due to its concepts and principles are repeating the same behaviours and may be fail to recall the theory in the future (Behaviour modelling,

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