Characteristics Of Cement Pavement

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CHAPTER: 2 TECHNICAL ASPECT OF CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2.1 FUNCTIONS AND DESIRABLE CHARACHTERISTICS OF A PAVEMENT: A pavement is a structure on which a vehicle runs. Highway pavements designed to carry the wheel loads imposed on it from the traffic runs over it. Stresses are also forced by changes in the environment. It should be strong to resist the stresses imposed on it and it should be thick enough to distribute the external loads on the subgrade, so its subgrade itself resists it. For proper functioning, thee pavement should have the following characteristics: 1) It should be structurally strong to endure the load forced on it. 2) It should be sufficiently thick to distribute the loads and stresses to a safe value on the subgrade.…show more content…
This is due to the reason that the flexural strength of the concrete which is the important factor can we well analyzed. 2) LIFE: Cement concrete slabs of thin section constructed in the early 1940’s are still subsistence in India, though many of them cracked badly. But the fact is that they are still existing in spite of 3 to 4 decades have been passed A major project in cement concrete road construction, between Agra and Mathura, is providing very satisfactory pavement . Another pavement is the MUMBAI PUNE EXPRESWAY, was constructed with a cement concrete pavement. It can serve as a good pavement up to 40 years if it is well designed. 3) COST OF CONSTRUCTION ANDMAINTENANCE: A well designed cement concrete pavement requires a little maintenance as compared to another pavement. But the initial cost of construction of the cement concrete pavement is very high but its maintenance requirement is very low. Therefore, the overall cost is minimum and less as comparison with other pavements. Therefore, cement concrete on the basis of life cycle costs expands less as compared to other…show more content…
Such shrinkage causes some stresses. Subsequent changes in the moisture content may also cause expansion. Fig 3: FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF CONCRETE: As concrete is subjected to repetitive stresses, progressive permanent internal structural damage takes place. It has been found from the research that as the ratio of the flexural stress to the flexural strength. This is known as STRESS RATIO which increases the concrete resists fewer repetitions when the stress ratio is less than 0.45 the concrete can bear the unlimited repetitions. The following is the table of stress ratio and allowable repetitions TABLE 1: STRESS RATIOS AND ALLOWABLE REPITITIONS STRESS RATIO ALLOWABLE REPITIOTIONS STRESS RATIO ALLOWABLE REPITIOTIONS 0.51 4,00,000 0.69 2500 0.52 3,00,000 0.70 2000 0.53 2,40,000 0.71 1500 0.54 1,80,000 0.72 1100 0.55 1,30,000 0.73 850 0.56 1,00,000 0.74 650 0.57 75000 0.75 490 0.58 57000 0.76 360 0.59 42000 0.77 270 0.60 32000 0.78 210 0.61 24000 0.79 160 0.62 18000 0.80 120 0.63 14000 0.81

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