Advantage And Disadvantage Of Uber

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Uber Uber is a private transportation company, it is also cheaper, friendlier, cleaner and more trustworthy than getting a taxi. Customers seem to like it more than the taxis but they seem not to like that so instead they stand in the way between uber so they don’t become a bigger and better company then what they are. Ubers service in Australia has grown really quick which is a really good thing because it’s not an Australian company, uber comes from the states where it all started in San Francisco and also where the headquarters are. Uber is really safe and good because not anyone can become an uber driver, you have to have a car that’s less then 7 years old, the driver must not have a criminal record or a bad one either, you also know…show more content…
Uber is really easy to access and that’s why a lot of people like it because as everyone knows but uber knows better is that everyone is on their phones all the time which makes it easier for them to get business, all a customer has to do is download the app and then you can order 1 of the 5 different category of cars they’ve got, the uber X which is a really low cost and faster car then a normal taxi, they have the taxi which is kind of for people, they also have what they call black which you get your own private driver and expect to get picked up in minutes, then they have the SUV where you can fit six people in style and last they have the lux which as you can tell by the name of it is…show more content…
For that reason, and for some problems that have been reported on safety issues and inappropriate behaviour of franchise drivers, the company has been banned from operating in several locations. Uber enters a new market location, they face the need to meet local regulations and present what they can bring to the table in a way that allows them access. So PR work is vital to the company, but it is also necessary to find PR specialists that know the issues for Uber as well as the local situations. Because Uber has come into markets all around the world, this is probably one of the biggest issues they face now and moving forward. UberX's popularity was booming in Australia but it should be banned by employers because the service was unlicensed and unregulated and there were no in-car surveillance cameras, used in taxis, to deter assaults. UberX may be a safe travel option, an employer's duty of care required it to ensure staff used the safest option available, "so far as is reasonably practical". Failure to do so could expose employers to penalties and prosecution under workplace health and safety laws. Uber Technologies, the increasingly popular yet controversial ridesharing app, has so far infiltrated 58 countries around the world in its five-year lifespan and shows no signs of

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