is. Sex offenders are a person who commits a crime that involves sexual acts that is unwanted and having sexual intercourse with a minor. Sex offenders typically groom and isolate their victims and instill them with fear in order to carry out their sex crime. It is critical to know what goes on in the mind of a sex offender because everyone is a victim to sexual crimes. There are different types of sex offenders and they are: male sex offenders, female sex offenders, and juvenile sex offenders. The
parricide offenders: An archival exploration. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 2(1), 51-66. doi: The authors Ho Shon and Barton-Bellessa attempt to examine the pre-offense characteristics of the nineteenth-century American parricide offenders. Through the use of the New York Times and Chicago Tribune archival record the study examines two hundred and twenty two offenders who committed parricide. They found that a small number of the offenders of adult