Addiction And Substance Abuse

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Everyone has an addiction. Whether it be in the form of their mobile phone, an early morning shot of espresso, even going to the gym. Some people are addicted to nicotine in cigarettes; others cannot go through the day without an alcoholic drink. The whole world has an addiction; something on which they are dependent on, it does not necessarily need to be pernicious. I could for example; say that my family and friends are my drug. There is nothing particularly innocuous about my addiction; about the way I have a need, much like everyone else, for human contact. Mine are harmless, but what of the addictions that drug users face? What drives them to crave the things they need the most? Recognition of features was almost instantaneous. The stumbling, dragging zombie-like gait, the lurid purple rings around red, bloodshot eyes. The gaunt face devoid of all life, grey like the washed out clothes he was wearing.…show more content…
Averting my eyes, I began concentrating intently on the chewing gum spattered pavement below me, focusing hard until the movement of my two feet blurred into one. He could not have been much older than his early thirties, but years of substance abuse had taken its toll on his wearied face, creating permanently deep set lines and cracks throughout his face – totally distorting it. Peering out from slits that were his eyes, I noticed his dilated pupils swivelling around, unable to focus on anything for any period of time until he came across the only other thing moving on the desolated street.
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