Abuse Of Power In Frankenstein

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The creation of man and the power of life and death is said to be a an ability only fit for a god. However, what happens when that power is given to human itself? Can he handle it? Should the power of immortality be left to nature? In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein the creation scene, one of the most important and powerful, addresses the questions of mortal’s power and the morality of crossing the power from human to god. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor confronts this concept directly: “I pursued nature into her hiding-places. Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave or torture the living animal to animate the lifeless clay.” (Shelley 33). These words express the denouncement of nature and the morality of Viktor’s pursuit in creating the creature. The creation scene of Frankenstein in itself portrays the concepts that Mary Shelley addresses so powerfully that it inspired…show more content…
In the novel Viktor writes. “I beheld the wretch- the miserable monster I had created.” (Chapter V pg. 35.) Viktor’s description of the creature shows he does not see his creation as human and refers to it as a “monster” and “wretch”. the 1931 creation scene opens with the lifeless creation’s bottom half in the foreground and the human characters interacting in the middle ground as their shadows are distorted and projected onto the background. This Film technique, a Long-shot, dehumanizes Viktor’s creation by cutting him in half, giving the viewer a sense that he is an object rather than a being. This presentation corresponds with the looming shadows of the people expressing the idea that humanity has the ability to become a monster which Viktor shows by using the creature as an object to gain power and lose his

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