The Role Of Identity In Sarah's Key

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Imagine the globe as puzzle, with billions of pieces all scattered about. It is not a single person’s job to finish that puzzle. It is however, their job to find where they fit. This is a little bit like identity in a sense. We are all focused on the big picture and we forget that it is not our place to discover someone else’s destiny and identity, but it is our duty to find our own. Sarah’s Key is a first-hand journey through the eyes of a ten-year old Jewish French girl in 1942 during World War II. Uniquely, it is also through the eyes of an American journalist living in France researching for an article she is writing on the Vel’ d’Hiv roundup in Paris, 1942. When these two fascinating stories cross paths, Pandora’s Box is opened and a…show more content…
In my opinion, identity is not only who you are but what characteristics about you set you up for whatever you choose to do in your life. I think that right around the time someone figures out what it is they would like to pursue as a career, is the time where they start to realize who they are and who they are meant to be. Due to peer pressure and the need to “fit in”, a lot of young people are willing to change things about themselves to do so. Identity is what you would not change about yourself if your life depended on it. The things about you that make you special, unique, and most importantly,…show more content…
Her religion, family, and innocence of a child were all taken away when she was subjected to the brutality that was placed on Jews during this horrific time period. In July of 1942, Sarah Starzynski was taken from her home along with her mother and father in the Vel’d’Hiv’ roundup. Sarah did not know that they were probably never coming back, so she locked her little brother in their secret cupboard. Along with thousands of other Parisian Jews, they were taken to the Velodrome, and nearly starved to death while awaiting their hideous fate at the concentration camps. The mothers were ripped away from their children, many of them would not live to see their children again. Their brutality and mercilessness showed Sarah what some humans are capable of doing to other humans and the evil in the world she lived in. Sarah knew that her brother could not survive alone in the cupboard, so she had to escape the camp, and she did. While running away from the camp, she looked down at the perfectly stitched star on her shirt and realized it would give away her identity as the missing Jewish girl from the camp. She struggled to rip it off because her mother did it tightly and with beautiful fabric to show her that having to wear a star did not have to be shameful, it could be filled with pride and beauty. When she buried that star in the dirt, she buried a part of herself, her identity. Through

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