A Rose For Emily And Tell Tale Heart Comparison

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Alyssa Ruffa Rathgeber/ENG1102 Paper 1 Final Madness is often a direct result of an event or period of time whereafter a person’s sanity is held hostage. While there may be prominent evidence that a person is mad, the driving factor behind such a blurred transformation from normality to insanity is sometimes unknown. In the narratives, “A Rose for Emily,” “A Tell Tale Heart,” and “My Last Duchess,” murder and madness is a common theme. However, although each story’s surface depicts the common theme of madness, the depths of madness are uncovered in many different ways. A more approachable theme that pertains to these three works would be the altered versions of reality that each narrator tells his or her story through. While the main characters are unarguably mad, the reasons behind the madness are different, just as the reasons behind the The stories with this theme in different ways, bringing attention to the points of view of the narrators, to the the motives for which the stories are told to the narratees, and to the credibility of the narrators.…show more content…
Throughout the narrative, the narrator proves himself unreliable in terms of credibility as he attempts to justify his madness in irrational ways. In one of his efforts of proving his sanity he tells the naratee, “The disease had sharpened my senses --not destroyed --not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth,” (Paragraph 1). Throughout the tale the narrator goes continues to tell the story of his crime where he murdered an elderly man because he “had the eye of a vulture --a pale blue eye, with a film over it,” and goes on to say that, “Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold,” (paragraph 2). There was no definite reason for the murder of the old man, other than the fact that he made the narrator feel uncomfortable because of one single

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