A Kind Of Revolution In History Analysis

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A Kind of Revolution In History Linda Wang ____________________________________________________________________________ During 1775, many things changed during the American Revolution, but the purpose for these changes mainly benefited the elite. This was not fundamentally different from the aristocracy of Great Britain. But the revolution ended up creating a foundation for America that is still evident today. Even though America attempted to separate themselves from Great Britain and its principles, it followed a similar notion. A great portion of people with poor backgrounds joined in the military expecting a chance to gain wealth. But most of the higher ranks consisted of rich men who did not contribute to most of the actual fighting. This ended up furthering more of the soldiers to suffer more injuries and deaths. Not only did most of the common soldiers suffer, but many were not paid. America became a country in July 4, 1776 when it declared its independence, making it a new nation. The Continental Congress proposed many amendments to insure natural rights. These rights supported the revolution in the sense of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for men. Yet these rights did not apply to all people. Some groups that are not…show more content…
This made profits for some of the already well-off colonists, but this gap ended up creating class conflict. Taxes were raised in order to pay off bondholders. These people paid the war bonds, and eventually gained more money from the taxes later. Farmers and veterans did not economically benefit from the war. This dissatisfaction was answered by David Shay who also experienced first-hand of receiving nothing after serving his country. He led Shay’s rebellion, many of his followers were put to jail without trial because Samuel Adams suspended habeas corpus with the political power of being a founding father. This was a plan to provoke the rioters to fulfill his

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