Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, And Mary Wollstonecraft

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The French Revolution took place in the late eighteenth century, which a storm of literary works appeared in response to the violence and political upheaval. Among these literary works, notable writers such as Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and Mary Wollstonecraft also participated. Their work encompassed everything from the flawed monarchial system to class and gender issues, are still draw to discussions and debate today about the origins of modern political thought. Burke, Paine, and Wollstonecraft carried their own particular set of beliefs about the French Revolution and its proper place and function in society. Their ideas can be applied to evaluate the natural rights that humans are entitled to. Although these writers have very different interpretations of the origin of natural rights of man, and their disagreements is one of the best way to recognize and protect these rights. Burke, Paine, and Wollstonecraft recognized the inadequacies of the political systems of Britain and America as they evaluated the natural rights of man. Burke provided a practical approach with his Reflection on the Revolution in France in 1790. He placed his focus on the…show more content…
She responded to Burke and other texts with her own, A Vindication of the Rights of Man, and later A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. The former argued against Burke’s ideology and the latter was a response to women education and political rights. She attacks the ideas of “hereditary honours, riches, and monarchy” (Wollstonecraft 77), just as Paine does, and also argues against Burke’s theory of an unequal society that promotes indifference of women by relying on tradition and customs. Wollstonecraft criticizes Burke for his sympathy toward noble women in France, while many mothers who are poor, hungry, and did not have property of their own, were

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