A Few Good Men Character Analysis

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An ambitious and ruthless drug dealer walks a fine line between the violent Mexican cartels, the DEA, and his neglected family, as his worlds collide, threatening his rise to top cocaine ‘Capos'. BRIEF SYNOPSIS MIGUEL LUIS MARTINEZ, and his younger brother, ROLANDO “ROLO: MARTINEZ grew up in East Los Angeles during the 1990’s. As young as 16 years old, Miguel, a gang member, was already running drug trades. Now, 25 years later, Miguel is working his way up to become a top drug lord or “capos.” Miguel has ruthless competition from the drug cartels in Mexico. It’s a dangerous and violent world. When the police target Miguel’s crew, Miguel’s deadly associate, ALACRAN, retaliates. Later Miguel meets with Alacran, who is revealed to be a woman. Miguel and Rolo travel to Mexico to meet with…show more content…
There’s a great reveal that Alacran is a female. Alacran has the potential to be a really complex and chilling character, but right now feels underused in the pilot. Another way to generate tension is to create some rivalry and conflict between the brothers. At present, as structured, the plot doesn’t feel like there’s enough pressure on Miguel or that he’s ever in danger or in jeopardy. Clearly define the stakes. Miguel is undoubtedly the central character. He’s driven by his ambition to be the top “capos.” This completely drives him. Yet, he doesn’t feel ruthless enough. Give him stronger moral choices and decisions to help define his character. At the same time, find a way to make him feel a bit more relatable. Give the audience a reason to care about Miguel and root for him. It’s important that Miguel is a complex character and stands out. He can be ruthless and flawed, but at the same time compelling. Rolo isn’t as well defined of a character. Craft him to be more distinctive. Javier is one of the most interesting characters because he’s placed in a high-risk situation and has to make harrowing
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