A Day In The Bahamas Essay

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A Little Bit of Paradise Morning after morning I woke up from a dream of clear blue water and palm trees swaying in the tropical breeze just to realize the closest thing I would come to warmth all day was my bed. The cold and dry winter air of New England was catching up with me. I consulted my father about how we absolutely needed to escape the daily shivers and runny noses that accompanied walking up the ice covered driveway to get the mail. School was out for a long two-week holiday vacation; it was the perfect time to get away from our snow-enclosed house. Next thing I knew I was packing my suitcase full of sunscreen and bathing suits. Within a couple hours my family was on the first flight out to Nassau, Bahamas where we would spend our Christmas vacation basking under the scorching hot Caribbean sun.…show more content…
I suddenly became overwhelmed with excitement as I looked out the miniature windows to see real palm trees swaying in the humid Bahamian wind. I stepped foot off the plane and down the stairs onto the runway. I felt my hair frizz up immediately and suddenly I was sweating, I had never been happier. My nose finally felt normal as I breathed in the tropical air instead of the utterly dry winter air back home. Walking through the airport I noticed every worker would give my family a smile. They were very kind, warmhearted people who went through extensive training just to please the vacationers that come to the island. After changing out of my long sleeve shirt and leggings into shorts and a tank top we finally made it to the rental car station. My dad got the keys and off we went to our resort on Paradise

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