Bermuda Triangle Thesis

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Deciding on a topic was very difficult for me. I started off thinking of topics that I could win the “Dankest Doc”, like Tristan and I did the year before, but all I thought of was monsters and aliens. After a lot of thinking and searching, I thought of the Bermuda Triangle. Once I thought of this topic, I immediately thought of how I could make the documentary “Dank”. Nothing came to mind, so I put the Triangle in the back of my head and continued searching. The next day, zombies popped into my head. I decided the documentary would be really easy and fun to make, but the essay would be very difficult to write because the whole thing is speculation. After the zombie idea, I finally decided on the Bermuda Triangle. I decided on this…show more content…
Transports of both air and sea mysteriously disappear while traveling through. There are many different theories about why this happens. Some include nasty weather, aliens, and sea monsters. I know from the Percy Jackson series that the greeks believe the latter of the three. The greeks also have a different name for the Triangle, such as The Sea of Monsters. In the book, there were two main monsters. The first one was called Scylla. She resembled a hydra with multiple heads and long necks. She would sit on the top of cliffs and pull sailors and ships apart. Her sister, Charybdis, was much larger. She would sit and wait under the ocean until a ship floated above her. She would then suck them down like a vacuum, never to be seen again. This is all I know about the Bermuda Triangle, but I am hoping to find out much…show more content…
The Bermuda Triangle (A.K.A The Devil’s Triangle) is located on the South-Eastern coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean. The three corners of the Triangle include San Juan (Puerto Rico), Miami (Florida), and the island of Bermuda. The Triangle had not been recognized until the year of 1950, where Edward Van Winkle Jones, a newspaper journalist, had witness atypical behaviors in this area. Jones wrote about the recent disappearances of WWII and how “they were swallowed without a trace” (as cited in Upton, 2014, para. 8). Jones’s article captured the attention of many, but it wasn’t until 1952 when George X. Sand wrote an article for the magazine Fate, that the Triangle gained popularity. Sands articled called “Sea Mystery at our Back Door”, captures the disappearances of passenger planes Star Tiger, Star Ariel, and NC16002 in the late 1940s. Upon reading this article, many popular authors began writing novels about the Triangle. With all of the tales and wild theories that sprouted from the authors words, the uninformed public began believing everything they had

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