Oodgeroo Noonuccal's Poetry

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Introduction: Hi everyone I decided to do a poem analysis between Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning and My love by Oodgeroo Noonuccal Paragraph one: Context Robert Browning was one out of many famous poet and play writer, born in 1812. Multiple his poems are extensively known and are being taught in schools around Australia today. For many years Browning lived in Italy alongside his wife and his only son. Browning’s poems had themes such as delusion, death, jealousy and violence. His poems are predominantly dramatic monologues. Oodgeroo Noonuccal, is a famous woman aboriginal poet of the 20th century . Her original birth name was Kathleen Ruska and she was born in November 1920. Noonuccal was known for her poetry as well as her involvement…show more content…
The story is recounted by the lover which is the speaker in the poem and is about the encounter of two lover in a particular night in which they meet. Browning plays a lot of attention to the environment around the meeting between Porphyria and her lover. It sets the tone of a romantic love story however the theme changes quite quickly into a dramatic end with the death of Porphyria. Browning uses iambic pentameter in a careful way to set the tone of the poem and to give the poem a soothing flowing beat. Browning creation of the theme in this poem is successfully organized by the use of monosyllables in order to describe the meeting of the lovers, the environment and the tragic end. As part of the theme Browning introduces the doubt whether or not the intention of the lover was to kill Porphyria or was it a realization that he could not have her therefore no one else might. Porphyria is killed by the lover in a very symbolic way, she is strangled with her own hair. The speaker in this poem describes Porphyria’s movements to a detail like savoring each and every step she takes until the end supporting the idea that the final act was a planned…show more content…
The theme of this poem is for the speaker to confront the realities of her situation without making excuses for her decisions. She tends to utilize techniques such as metaphors; similes and alliteration in order to pull and merge the political message with the personal and the advocacy. However both poems reflect on the unfeasibility of love for the speakers, one is based on racial and gender discrimination and the other based on societal classes. Both speakers in the poems aim at resolving the issues on the most extreme way while in “Porphyria’s Lover” end up by the speaker killing Porphyria and the other the speaker renounces to her bid to Love. Both speakers make sacrifices in order to excerpt their own individual

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