Reflective Essay On Role Play

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For the second role play of EDPS 315, I listened to Jessica. Her story was about how she and her friends had started to become distant since the start of the new semester. She explained to me that they didn’t have as many classes in common like in the previous semester and Jessica had joined a new club and was unable to spend as much time with her old friends. Jessica did a very good job of making her story open to questions, but I still seemed to struggle. Even with the successful completion of a previous role play, I still found myself to be extremely nervous. I struggled to keep up with questions or other listening techniques. I found myself becoming very flustered at many points during the role play, especially towards the end. I assumed that…show more content…
With that, there are many areas that are in dire need of improvement. First, I found myself asking several closed questions. For example, I asked “have you found any other ways, besides classes, that maybe you were able to connect with your friends?” This question could have been answered with a simple yes or no, luckily Jessica did elaborate. Towards the end of the role play, I asked another closed question, “have you been able to make other friends?” Again, this could have been answered with yes or no. I could have rephrased the second question to “how have you tried to make new connections?” This would have created an open question and created more opportunities for dialogue. One other area that I noticed needed improvement was my facial expressions. During Jessica’s entire story, I looked angry. I have a bad habit having an angry look on my face when I am focusing or thinking. This could have caused Jessica to not be so forthcoming with her answers because she felt I was not responding positively. For the next role play, I need to be conscious of my facial expressions so that I can create a positive and relaxed environment for the

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