1984 George Orwell Vs America

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“The land of the free, and the home of the brave.” Does the last line of our national anthem truly define what America is, and has become? Our society has somewhat strayed from the epitome of freedom, justice, and opportunity, making it easier to allude numerous aspects of America to characteristics of Oceania in the novel 1984 by George Orwell. In this novel, Orwell predicts a future of our world that is now becoming more of a reality. Although there are still veritable differences between Oceania and America, 1984 is increasingly applicable to our society today in terms of privacy, government control, and ongoing war. First of all, government control is apparent and questionable in both Oceania and America. In Oceania, the use of the telescreen…show more content…
In Oceania, “A Party member is expected to have no private emotions and no respites from enthusiasm” (Orwell 211). The sole purpose of emotion is focused on maintaining love, loyalty, and humility to the Party, which constantly manipulates the people. If one strays from the beliefs of the Party, he or she is thrown into the Ministry of Love for torture and interrogation until confession. In particular, when Winston goes through the process, “there were times when the nerves so forsook him that he began shouting for mercy even before the beating began, when the mere sight of a fist drawn back for a blow was enough to make him pour forth a confession of real and imaginary crimes” (Orwell 240). In contrary to the rigid and unemotional society in Oceania, our country gives the right to love or hate whomever we want. The Constitution further defends us in that the Bill of Rights freedom of religion, the freedom of the press, the freedom to petition, and Due Process (US Const. amend. I, V). For example, we are able to criticize our government, as opposed to Party members, who has to follow the rule that “not even the smallest deviation of opinion on the most unimportant subject can be tolerated” (Orwell 210). We have a right to “a fair and speedy trial” (US Const. amend. VI), but Winston has an obligation to confess. Therefore, the key distinctions key distinction is found in freedom and justice, or the lack

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