1984 By George Orwell: An Analysis

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The book 1984, written by George Orwell, is a dystopian fiction about a society where everyone and everything is controlled by the Party and a leader called Big Brother. The party only has one goal, which is to obtain power. They do this by controlling the citizens of Oceania through the use of technology. This technology runs rampant 1984. It functions as a way for the government to gain power over the people and affects the society in a way that is detrimental. Throughout the course of the book, the only function of technology is to enforce support of the Party and its beliefs. Telescreens, for example, are placed almost everywhere in Oceania. When Winston is describing life in the city, he says, “You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.” (Orwell 5). A person cannot be out of sight of one unless they are a member of the Inner Party or are in the territory of the Proles. The Party uses these telescreens and microphones…show more content…
Telescreens and hidden microphones capture everything they say or do, rocket bombs are constantly killing Proles, and mysterious machines cause “a frightening pain, because he could not see what was happening, and he had the feeling that some mortal injury was being done to him. He did not know whether the thing was really happening, or whether the effect was electrically produced; but his body was being wrenched out of shape” (Orwell 309). The world they are living in is full of negative uses of technology and empty of helpful ones. In a work analysis by Ingersoll, he sums it up and says that “science and technology persist only as weapons of oppression. These weapons include use of psychology to engineer pain or technology like the telescreen for surveillance,” meaning that technology in 1984 is purely

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