Comparing The Man Who Was Almost A Man And The Plane Reservation

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Based on the three stories that I have read (“A Handful of Dates”, “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” and “The Plane Reservation”), each author wrote some similarities and differences which seem to be compared and contrasted. First, there are only few similarities that I can discuss on each character. The main characters on each story are male. The young boy from “A Handful of Dates” and the teenage boy from “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” both grew up in a farm. They have a common environment, which is a vast area of land. And in relation to the religious belief, the characters in “A Handful of Dates” and “The Plane Reservation” has their own similarity, which is Islam. Comparing the father of the man in “The Plane Reservation” to the grandfather of the young boy who owns a land, these two characters show an attitude which is being greedy.…show more content…
This young boy who grew up with his wealthy grandfather, he grew up in an environment that he was accepted and respected. However, his situation is different compared to these two characters. The teenage boy who grew up in an environment being belittled by the people around him, and the grown up man who went abroad to study and came back to his homeland and he wasn’t fully accepted by his own parents. Each of them has their own feelings towards how these people treat them. The young boy felt he was loved and admired, the teenage boy who felt that he was treated as a “kid”, and the grown up man who was neglected by his parents because of his

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