Zora Neale Hurston Patriarchy

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Zora Neale Hurston was indeed a controversial African American writer of the early twentieth century. Usually her works were neglected {} for not following the narrative conventions of the time. However, this situation did not prevent her from challenging the double oppression that she went through: the burden of the black race, and patriarchy. Thus, Hurston can be defined as a subversive and deviant subject who defied the fixed cultural codes, and conventions of her time. Generally, “almost all writers of a minority heritage ... [felt] compelled to ... attract a mainstream (white) audience [and also] to represent their race ... Hurston ... [instead] tried to escape this conflict” (Caproso, 76). Definitely, this conduct of hers was regarded as queer by her contemporaries in the…show more content…
[It] also allows Hurston to free African American culture from a seemingly unbroken tradition of victimization and refocus its identity on the vitality of its expression” (Caproso, 72 and 74). Actually, this is exactly what Janie longs for; to redefine and create her own identity, and raise her own voice as an individual. However, agency is an essential element/factor in this process of self- fulfilment. Women back then were supposed to be passive, and submissive to their husbands in the way that a slave submits to his master. A woman should had any/no ambition but that of pleasing and taking care of the husband. On the contrary, the man was the agent/active subject, the bread-winner, the one that was allowed to have ambitions. Since Janie is supposed to behave as an obedient ‘mule’, it is not surprising that the society reacts violently towards her when she defies this presupposed condition. This is because she is trying to trespass a boundary that had not been trespassed yet, and therefore it attempts to destabilize the social structure by means of breaking with the normative
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