Zero Tolerance Policy Analysis

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I believe that teachers and administrators in schools have a great responsibility in their hands to educate the future generation. As a teacher, I think that we have a great responsibility, not only to teach our students a subject but teach respect and responsibility as tools to be successful in life. Some of the tools available is the zero tolerance policy. According to the Reynolds et al. (2008), zero tolerance policy was originally developed as a drug enforcement, is a policy that apply consequences to behavior in students, “…regardless of the gravity of behavior, mitigating circumstances or situational context.” (p. 852). I think that since the creation of this policy, a lot have changed, especially because is not only for drug enforcement…show more content…
I think that in this situation the administration should be called the corresponding authorities and call her parents before taking any decisions about that. The zero tolerance policy allowed administrators to suspend and/or expelled students from the school. According to Perry (2014), “many districts don’t require that suspended and expelled students receive homework support or tutoring, so they fall further behind their peers.” Also, Perry (2014) mentioned that “[…] what happens to expelled children can have large consequences on the entire community. Schools are contributing to the explosion of young adults who are not working or in school in major cities.” We need to reconsider how this is affecting the educational development of our students. There is stuff that we cannot tolerate, but we need to draw a line when this zero tolerance policy affects the integrity of students. When the integrity of a student is committed, as in the case of Savana Redding (Souter, 2009), we have to draw that line. Call parents before making a decision like that, and also call the authorities. We are educators, not law enforcement

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