Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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If someones is stranded at sea with minimal supplies and they are granted satisfaction of one need, what would they have satisfied? Piscine Molitor Patel, in Life of Pi by Yann Martel, tells of his story of courage, bravery, and will. He is stranded at sea with practically everything lost, but he holds on despite the casualties he has to endure in such a short period of time. Pi faces many challenges in his survival, which he has to overcome by himself with very little help and supplies. He has to conquer emotional distress, faith deterioration, and physical weakness. Pi uses Richard Parker, his many different faiths, and food to conquer these needs. An analysis of Life of Pi shows that satisfying his emotional needs is the most essential part…show more content…
As Pi watches Parker leave him, he thinks, “Then Richard Parker, companion of my torment, awful, fierce thing that kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life,” (Martel 285). Richard Parker is the only companion Pi has on the lifeboat. A companion means Pi has another being to care for, to love. Not simply an object to love, but an actual physical presence that Pi can develop a bond with. Richard Parker being there and giving Pi something to care for gives Pi a type of strength more important, and greater, than any other type of strength he can use on that lifeboat. Parker gives him a mental strength, in which Pi prioritizes higher than a physical strength. In watching over Richard Parker and ensuring his safety and well being, Pi also saves himself. These emotional needs are the ones that Parker…show more content…
Ever since Pi was thrown on the lifeboat, he has given food to Richard Parker, despite it weakening himself in the process. Pi thinks to himself, “I came to the sad conclusion that I could no longer take care of Richard Parker. I had failed as a Zookeeper. I was more affected by his imminent demise than I was by my own,” (Martel 242). Pi is always worrying more greatly about Richard Parker than he is himself. He gives up food to ensure Parker is eating and healthy. Richard Parker keeps Pi company, keeping him from going insane. Pi makes sure Parker is fed, undeterred by the fact that it is causing his hunger. Even when Pi is extremely weak, he still gives up his food, which would satisfy his physical needs, to instead satisfy Parker which in turn satisfies Pi’s own emotional needs. He takes away from his physical needs to satisfy his emotional needs. Richard Parker not only takes from Pi’s food supply, but he tests Pi’s faith. Pi finds “the terrible cost of Richard Parker. He gave me a life, my own, but at the expense of taking one,” (Martel 255). Pi prioritizes Parker above all else as a result of Parker keeping him company. Pi could try to discard of Parker and not strain his relationship with God, but he keeps him around. Parker murders a man, and even brings out some of the evil in Pi, when Pi eats a bit of flesh, yet Pi still decides to keep him. This instance

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