Compare Zedong And Gandhi

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Throughout the mid 1900's history led violent and non­violent individuals to establish or adapt ideas. These ideas changed the course of their history and of their societies. Both Mohanda's Gandhi and Mao Zedong are examples of great leaders that knew what to say to the people in order to convince them in which they used what's called a "passive persuasion". Mohanda's Ghandi was a nonviolent philosopher of passive resistance, in which he used civil disobedience in order to attract attention into the British treatment against the Indian people. One of Gandhi's non­violence movement was the Salt March 1930; making the Indian people see that British were unfairly taxing Indians for their own salt. This salt march triggered a civil dissobedience movement; which involved breaking the law without violence. Ghandi also boycotted; meaning that he asked the Indian people to refuse to buy…show more content…
Mao Introduced communism to the Chinese in which he promised land to the peasants, food and water. China before mile was democratic but working class was exploitated by the nationalists. Atthe Japanese war many people died thousands fled and the low class was starving. Mao rised and promised to free China from foreign power. To accomplish his leadership mao did the long march in which he went village to village convincing Peassants for the support. Mao became the leader of China but put absolute monarchy meaning no religion and made Chinese people let go of their education and history. Mao also ordered collective farms and to enforce his power groups such as the red guards were created; attacking people who they thought were counterrevolutionary. People did not rise or protest against the government in fear of their death. Mao changed Chinese history since it showed that Chinese people would not trust it's government again . Mao was seeing as a symbol of fear and an example of how power can change a

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