World Trade Center Bombing Case Study

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Task A The event that I will try to thoroughly describe is the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. This event happened on February 26, 1993 at 12:18 pm EST when a bomb exploded on the second subterranean level of the Vista Hotel’s public parking garage which was below the two World Trade Center building ( n.d.). On February 28, 1993 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed that a bomb caused the explosion at the building ( n.d.). It was also stated that the bomb was placed in a rental van in which Mohammad Salameh was later arrested for when he tried to claim a refund for the van that carried the explosives. Once he was arrested authorities went to a shed he was renting and found bomb-making chemicals. However, he was not the only one arrest for this event. There was also the arrest of Nidal Ayyad in New Jersey on March 10, 1993 and Mahmud Abouhalima who was arrested in Egypt and extradited to the United States ( n.d.). Unfortunately, these were not the only ones involved in this case because once the investigation was over there were a total of six charged in the bombing. Nevertheless, four out of the six men received a prison sentencing term of 240 years each but was later changed to 100…show more content…
Although, they received 100 year the driver of the van Eyad Ismoil was sentence to 240 years for driving the van loaded with the homemade bomb in it to the World Trade Center and the man said to be the mastermind Ramzi Yousef was sentence to 240 years as well after admitting he was a terrorist as well as the mastermind and was proud of it

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