Women's Prisons Summary

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The article I chose to write about was based on healthcare access in women’s prisons. More specifically, it focused on the idea of space in the prison systems and their internal geography. This comes off as a confusing statement but is actually quite simple. The idea in its most rudimentary form is relatively simple. Let’s say someone is sick and in need of care; and they live right down the road from a clinic. It’s a relatively easy manner to get there. Now let’s compare that to someone who needs care but the only way to get there involves a mile of red tape, a police escort and the nearest facility is 100 miles away. This is an obvious extreme scenario, but one can clearly see how location can play a large factor in one’s ability to seek…show more content…
When a patient is nothing more than an inmate number the provider rarely if ever actually see, the provider tends to stop thinking of the patient as a human being. The inmate slowly becomes a concept or an idea, just another number. A more face-to-face approach would seek to fix this issue, and humanize the patient. I think maybe in a women’s this may work because of the stereotype of women being weak and need of help. A physician might be more inclined to treat the inmate more like an actual human (which of course, they are). However I think there is another stereo type that needs to be looked at and that is the fact that these women are prisoners, some of which are locked up for violent crime and they deserve to suffer. Which is of course ridiculous, the majority of people incarnated are there for non-violent crimes, yet people can’t stop looking at someone locked up as some horrible monster. Just because someone is in prison does not mean their basic human needs should be abandoned. However I disagree with the authors approach to solving the problem. It’s very hard to change a person’s thoughts and ideas. My approach focuses on changing their…show more content…
When a healthcare systems is run for profit resource accessibility and availability become increasingly scarce. I feel that one of the best ways to end this problem is to give control of prison healthcare back to a government agency that way it can be heavily regulated and be under close scrutiny by the public eye. It’s one of the best ways to make sure that people are getting the help that the need. There has to be a better solution than what we are currently doing. Another solution would be to impose heavy audits on prison healthcare records. With costly fines for mismanagement of care to the point where it becomes finically necessary to make sure prisoners are getting the help and care they need. The largest chief complaint among prisoners should not be caused by the type of care they our receiving. Finally I don’t think prisoners should have to pay a co-pay to be seen. My reasoning is prisoners make very little money according to Stoller its around 15-26 cents. They can honestly not afford a co-pay especially when a severe medical illness could put them out of work for a few

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